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Our 360° Music PPA Cover

Our unique programme of study uses instruments as the loom through which we weave the strands of listening, theory, musicianship and composition to create a rich tapestry of musical knowledge and appreciation within your school's young minds

A number of ukuleles laying on a table in a classroom ready for a lesson

Every Class is an Ensemble

Our instrument-based delivery transforms every class into an exciting, collaborative ensemble. This not only gives pupils vast and valuable practical experience but increased social cohesion and teamwork skills.

A tongue drum with beaters ready to be played

Keys, Strings, Percussion
& Wind

We cycle keyboards, ukuleles, tongue drums and pBuzzs to give pupil's a comprehensive understanding of the multiple methods of acoustic sound production. We teach the techniques of 'spider-hands', finger independence, embouchure, buzzing, mallet grip & roll, fretting, strumming and plucking!

A Gamelan ensemble playing their instruments in traditional dress

Explore a World of Music

The music of cultures from all over the world is explored and digested, promoting pupils's growth into global citizens. The Indonesian Gamelan, the brass bands of the Balkans, the classical music of India, the syncopated groove of Jamaican Reggae and many more styles and genres are traversed. We even have authentic instruments to bring music from thousands of miles away to vivid life inside your classrooms.

A hand using a pen to write music notation on stave paper

Compose New Music

The act of creating new music puts all the technique, listening, musicianship and theory skills to work alongside those in teamwork and collaboration. We love to take a cause, goal or event close to your school and compose a song with your pupils to aid, promote or raise awareness. Your pupils' realisation that their endeavour, creativity and togetherness can positively impact their environment is a formative one.

An example of musical notation written on stave paper

Read and Write Notation

From the very beginning of a pupil's musical education with us we use notation symbiotically with our ensemble work. It becomes second nature for pupils to count the values of notes and act accordingly to an array of musical symbols whilst playing an instrument.

A generic certificate clip-art

Earn a Music Qualification

Pupils can sit an externally accredited ensemble performance exam, showcasing their work and learnt skills to earn one of their first music qualifications of potentially many more!

A tree illustration showing different school subjects nestling in its branches

Cross-Curricular Topic-Tag

The Romans, the Industrial Revolution, the Ancient Greeks, World Wars I & 2 and the Stone Age are just a few of the vast array of topics covered in our exclusive Topic Song Library. We also love to journey through history with pupils' musical participation. We see and hear the instruments of the past, discover the social contexts of music-making, perform and compose in the style and uncover fascinating facts about the music from long, or not so long, ago!

Hear what our ensemble music sounds like:


Pupils are immersed in backing tracks that feature musical elements relating to their learning.

By interacting with these whilst performing on an instrument, pupils are digesting them on a deeper level.

As pupils develop their musical abilities, more elements of the backing tracks can be put into their hands


Space Odyssey
00:00 / 01:08
00:00 / 00:42
00:00 / 00:52
Samba Party
00:00 / 00:36

Contact Us

Please use the online form, send us an email or give us a call to discuss how we can help your school fulfil its musical potential

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